Friday, December 21, 2007
home sweet home
2. So ready for the upcoming vacation. five days... five days... five days...
3. I love the new Hall's Canada Dry Ginger Ale cough drops. They taste like gin and tonics. Really. And it's just that kind of holiday season when I'm tense enough at work to convince myself that it's the equivalent of a cocktail.
4. Just came back inside from hilarious cloves break outside with my brother. I walk outside and he's peeing into the snow, singing "Yellow snowww... Yellow snowwww... drawing a circle... a hollow circle... filling it in... now it's a sphere..." Seriously. Then I can't seem to get my clove out of the packet with my gloves on and he grabs me one. Then he pauses.
P: "Yeah... I bet you're wondering right now which hand I used, huh."
Me: "Well... eh... what's the difference... you know only one out of six people wash their hands after they go to the bathroom anyway. Not like it's not everywhere already."
P: "And I bet that one out of six is total crap anyway. I'll bet it's more like one in... nine. Those germs are everywhere. You're putting on lipstick: PENIS."
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
yes please
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
can't. breathe.
thus, in her own delightful words... a day in the life of Edina:
Monday, December 17, 2007
Crunches and Cookies Today was the first day of a new promotion that the station is launching. In a nutshell, I get paid to work out with a personal trainer three times a week with a free membership to a gym for a year. My plan is to get really buff and toned, yet not lose my spanish ass. As much as I complain, its part of my heritage and who am I to turn my back (har, har) on my own culture? Plus, I want to look like JLo and be real strong. I told Ben that even though I don't normally condone violence, I will be able to kick his ass in a couple months. |
it's the turkey baster comment that really got me. I hope the opportunity arises soon for me to steal it for my own impolite/diabolical purposes.
what would I do without you in my life???
Monday, December 17, 2007
Weekend Mathematics
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Robert Hellenga,
The Sixteen Pleasures
Isn't it true, though? Who cannot (with the clarity afforded only by hindsight) honestly pinpoint just such a moment, some single frame in the film of one's life, upon which ultimately pivoted the descent (or, in positive light, ascent) of a relationship?
Is this like a Hollywood flashback fantasy? No, I think not. There is no billowing smoky haze to encircle the event in memory nor can anything be truly proven... but these 'turning points' in life, while subjective, are everywhere among us. Historically, it is so... The Battle of the Bulge, the landing of the Mayflower, a shot fired from the grassy knoll... these (to borrow a cliche phrase) changed the course of history. The danger in indulging in these thoughts is potent, of course. The 'what ifs' are healthy only to a minimal extent.
What if... I pursued that original dream.
What if... I had chosen a different school.
What if... I'd stayed at home that particular evening.
What if... I hadn't struck up that conversation to begin with.
What if... I had taken that other job.
What if... I'd actually listened to that advice.
It's gotten me thinking. I suppose the best solution is the mentality of 'carpe diem,' the effort to value each coming day and its possibilities, opportunities to seek out and chase like mythical pots of gold. Perhaps there is no treasure at rainbow's end... but is there anything more exhilerating or fulfilling than running madly toward the horizon and gleefully dancing along the way?
Regardless, it's time for me to start waltzing my way towards that unknown again, isn't it?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Interactive Journaling
I mean honestly. What does a girl have to do to get a sexually-assured heterosexual male who is not the country-fried negative brain cell variety with an interesting past, good conversational ability, social graces, a few unmentionable skills in bed, decent looks, and minimal baggage slash not-too-close-to-home circle of friends? WHAT?
excerpt, e:
the relationships we have should be to the tune of the beatles, or tony, or sondheim, or fucking strauss god dammnit.
What people like you and I need, what we DESERVE is someone who will not necessarily give as much as we do but appreciate what we have to offer. We give, love, and encourage to a fault. Thats just how it is and no matter how many times it bites us in the ass we will never stop and decidedly so. Therefore, in the end, all we really need is someoneto recognize that. Maybe we give because growing up our parents gave us everything we needed and more and thats what we know, or maybe we give because we just genuinely like others to feel good. I think its a mix of both. Either way, we have been given things our entire life,and thats how we learned that gifts don't necessarily solve everything, make us feel better, or fill-in whatever was missing in the first place. We truly like to give rather than get, but more than that, the piece of the puzzle that needs to fit into a healthy relationship for us is appreciation.
*God only knows
God only knows what I'd be without you...
- The Beach Boys
Monday, December 10, 2007
day in the life
me: nice
Chona: it'd been awhile since i had done that
it was terrible
i have no clean anything
me: I didn't shower today, my clothes didn't match, and I had to work a full shift
Chona: i'm down to my last pair of underwear...and we're're not even underwear
me: like the flossy too-sexy-for-monday leftovers or the bridget jones granny wear?
either one = HOT
Chona: haha
they're pink and they're like boy short things
soooo i've had to shove them into my jeans
me: oh god I was wearing those on friday night
Chona: but not tight cute boy shorts...they're like...flappy
spirit and cheer
It can be a lonely trip returning to the mundane realities of home after so vibrant a weekend away. How was Dorothy able to stand it, I wonder? How do you experience life in Technicolor and yet afterwards still find beauty in the greys of Kansas?
It is a hard fall from so high a place.
I know there exists a safety net below me but I cannot seem to make it out clearly in the shadows. I'm grateful for those who hold its ropes taut, invisible though they remain in my ignorant darkness. Yet still my mind yearns for reassurance.
Where does my life lead? How on earth will I possibly ever maintain a sense of calm in the midst of so many tempests? How do you teach yourself the serenity to withstand the aftermath of disaster, failure, and disillusionment?
Where do I begin?
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Number 4: "It was almost lifelike."
Date: Friday November 30
Event: Out of the Blue show feat. Elise Shrock
Venues: Sycamore Marketplace...
followed by the infamous Sycamore Grille...
the McDonalds on Sycamore...
and, of course, Camp Mitchell.
Chalk this one up to one of my more colorful hometown evenings with my parents, a gaggle of Purdue kids, several buckets of flavorful lagers, Diana's 2am organic brunch and cocktails, and shamelessly enthusiastic best friends.
[To set the stage for the evening, allow me to fast forward to 9am the next morning... when I woke up in my parent's house... in the guest bedroom... in a twin bed... with my brother's friend sharing the bed with me... and another of his friends in the other bed. Yes... classy.]
The evening began chez Shrock, a fashion show extraordinaire to the background television soundtrack of Amy Grant and her husband on Oprah. That's right... Amy Grant in all of her 'let's watch my schmoopy wedding montage and sing carols' glory. To her I say, "Congratulations, Ms. Grant. Your hair has improved since 1991... but we would all sleep a little better at night had we not endured the video of you on the porch of a log cabin in your rocking chair and his-and-hers velvet cloaks."
Apparently this is the ideal conservative religious marital fashion experience. One can only compare the bedazzled, country-fried "Mr. and Mrs. Federline" track suits and shudder. Equally.
By six o'clock the Von Shritzell ladies find themselves at the Marketplace facing down a giant pile of fried green beans, sweet potato fries, wings, and a steaming bowl of fresh mussels. Meal highlight: collecting bones, shells, and corresponding bits in large plastic pitcher fondly referred to as "The Gut Bucket." Said vessel gleefully photographed to preserve memory of its loveliness. It's the art of the everyday that truly brightens life.
The acoustic stylings of Jay and Dave opened the stage. Unfortunately a certain core of Lafayette patrons were not present for this due to a severe case of Being Lost In The Middle Of Nowhere. Things were a little tense upon their arrival due to the flaming daggers shooting out of a certain few sets of eyes toward the unfortunate (and hungover) driver. Pats and Eddy quickly attempt remedy by ordering drinks.
Fast forward to Out of the Blue's second set, a three song number featuring a local radio celebrity. Side Note: Etta James should always be followed by ad-libbed "If I had a Million Dollars." It was spectacular. Favorite verbal praise of performance: "I mean... they told me you were good... but you were, like, really good. Seriously."
I shan't attempt to describe the joy and merriment of getting down on the dance floor with our mothers, brothers, fiancees, and a certain middle aged gentleman who knew me well in childhood who told me directly that I had "grown up nicely."
Have since decided to ignore shady undertone of said compliment and pretend that my... err... physical development had anything to do with it. Because that is simply creepy and I won't allow breast-related asides to rain on my back-home-again-in-Indiana groove parade. Eeeeeeeeekkk.
Kudos to the gentlemen for volunteering to dance with us. Simply astounding what a few liquid dance lessons can do for the manliest of fratmospheres. Well done, boys. Well done.
Determined after closing several sky-rocketing bar tabs that the night should not end, our fraggle of a group proceeds one block west to another downtown drinkery. Although this place remains at the top of the alleged 'where to go for Kokomo nightlife' list, we managed to catch a completely deserted cavern of a bar and descended upon one of many empty tables... Truthfully I was relieved. The last thing most of us wished to encounter was a barrage of awkward meet-and-greets with former high school classmates and any variety of childhood acquaintances.
Although, even in my hazy/giggly/slurring state, I do recall finding the waiter to be most unfriendly. Considering that we were the only patrons (and therefore his evening's source of income) I find that a very unacceptable rudeness. Bad form, sir.
Cue Allison ordering tequila shots. [mistake]
Cue Allison drinking a kamikaze shot immediately after. [worse mistake]
Cue caravan to McDonalds. Pulling around the drive-thru in parallel, we leave our windows open to allow for conversation between my car and Wes's... which I don't actually have any clear memories of but I am certain involved several well-placed Sordid Lives quotes and a good deal of ridiculousness.
As passenger, I find myself suddenly affronted by one husky stack of 20-something redneck man leaning into my face and bellowing inquiries as to the nature of our interaction with the boys in Wes's car. "These guys botherin' you?" He had jumped out of his enormous black rumble of a pick-up truck with the itch to start a fight under the stale veneer of chivalry. Oh my redneck life.
Am pretty sure I did my best drunken-blonde-bat-of-the-eyelash-breathless-gasp, "What? Ohhhhh! noooooo! [giggle] That's my fiancee!"
[I must give thanks here for our heroic sober drivers, Wes and Eddy. Most deeply appreciated, especially in the circumstances. Sobriety in Kokomo is not an easy thing.]
We return home to Camp Mitchell and descend upon the kitchen like animals to the food trough. For reasons unknown, Mama Mitchell was still awake and whipping up cocktails and scrambled organic eggs with the gusto of an infomercial chef. Have been informed that I paired my snack wrap with a couple heady crown old fashioneds. [yet another terrible mistake]
We split into each and every room in the house, pulling out beds and blankets and couches like the drunk refugees that we are. In my now-blacked-out oblivion, I decide to forgo my own down-feathered cocoon of a bed upstairs for one in the guest bedroom. Am quite positive I invited myself and forced one of the boys to sleep with me. In a twin bed. In my mother's guest bedroom that she calls 'the pretty room' and my grandfather calls 'the dead ladies room' due to its set of heirloom furniture and many family photographs of now-deceased female relatives.
As I said, I do not recall this portion of the evening. I do recall, however, waking up and squinting at my wrist for the time. 9 am. Completely disoriented, I swivel my gaze around the room in exhausted stupor and wonder where the hell I am and how the hell I got there. Am wearing my black bar top and a pair of my youngest brother's athletic shorts. I turn over and come face to face with my brother's friend staring at me with a look that says, "I don't know what to do with you and cannot make up my mind how to politely address this awkward situation."
Allow me to clarify that this night was not one of aggressive romantic intentions on my part. To be quite honest, I. hate. sleeping. by. myself. This sentiment is exponentially magnified by massive consumption of alcohol and my general sense of decorum is thereafter discarded entirely.
Cue Diana entering with water glasses, a barely concealed smirk and roll of the eyes, and ibuprofen for all three of us. Drew soon follows with a shot of Mona Vie for me. [best hangover cure ever] Let it be said, this situation is most entertaining in view of my mother's staunch no-sleeping-together-in-my-house-unless-you're-married rules. Ah yes. Turns out I do have an inner sense of rebellion. Very Easy Rider. Take that, Mom.
Although... in all truthfulness... Eddy's shrugged summation,' You sleep where you fall,' is closer to the truth of my choice of bed.
Breakfast finds a few stragglers and I seated around the kitchen table pouring over the local newspaper and heralding the town's landmark tourist attractions, specifically Old Ben (the taxidermied remains of the largest steer I have ever seen in my entire life and subsequent proud town trophy. Additional bizarre fact: Old Ben's tail was stolen years ago and remains mysteriously absent to this day. I'm not kidding).
I miraculously managed to eat about a third of a banana and later some of Diana's world famous banana bread as well... followed by a 30 second shower and change of clothes.
I say my goodbyes and kiss my parents. I walk down the driveway to where E had parked my car the night before... only to find one dead-ass battery and a car that not only won't start, it won't even gurgle a complaint. As in silent. No. Juice.
I hobble back inside and plead for my father's help with a jump-start. It just so happens that we are a household with its own car-starter. Yes, auto troubles are so typical of our clan that my father felt the need to invest in a product specifically designed for dumbasses. Turns out it just wasn't man enough to get the engine started. I mean honestly, when E and I hit the skids, we really go for broke. Our motto? "Go big or go home." We therefore turn to the tried-and-true jumper cable method. 20 solid minutes of revved truck engine and linked motors later, my battery is still absolutely lifeless.
Mind you, it is a Saturday (the second busiest of the holiday shopping season) and I am due to be at work.
Thankfully Dad roots around in the basement workshop and discovers the God of All Jumper Cables. These things were seriously the thickness of Paul Bunyan's wrists and had the aura of brawny man's man oozing out of their sinister copper jaws.
Well, those actually worked after a while and I managed to peal out of the neighborhood and make it to work only 15 minutes behind schedule. Of course by this point my fourth hangover of the year has me in its evil clutches and I am stuck in the anxiety nightmare of a whirlwind retail cyclone. Oh, and my bosses' boss spends the afternoon at the store. I swear this woman has a sixth sense for when I will overindulge and purposely schedules her visits exactly one day later.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wes: [pause] Does a bear shit in the woods?
Rod: Is hooni-juana really illegal?
Me: I just don't know what he wants from me!
Miranda: Well... have you asked him?
K: It's The New Yorker... it's existential.
Matt: I think you just need to molest him. Get it over with.
So you like me, huh? - Broken English
and this never leaves my thoughts:
I would know that
before this life closes,
a soulmate to share my roses -
I would make a spell
with long grey beard hairs
and powdered rosemary and rue,
with the jacket of a tux
for a tall man
with broad shoulders,
who loves to dance;
with one blue contact lens
for his bluest eyes;
with honey in a jar
for his love of me;
with salt in a dish
for his love of sex and skin;
with crushed rose petals
for out bed;
with tubes of cerulean blue
and vermilion and rose madder
for his artist's eye;
with a dented Land Rover fender
for his love of travel;
with a poem by Blake
for his love of innocence
revealed by experience;
with soft rain
and a bare head;
with hand-in-hand dreams on Mondays
and the land of fuck
on Sundays;
with mangoes, papayas
and limes,
and a house towering
above the sea.
- Erica Jong
quotecyclopedia, November edition
Why are we in such a rush to move from confused to Confucius? Do we search for 'lessons' to lessen the pain? - Sex and the City
Kisses are a better fate than wisdom. - e e cummings
E: For the record, we are now going to refer to it as the crunk-try club.
Karson: ... and that guy in the grey vest? [head shake]
C: She looked like... Marie Antoinette. And not in a good way.
E: oh my god, you watched the showgirls vip edition without me?? i hate that i fall asleep so early.
Ok, you're not exactly what I call 'eye candy'... you're more like... 'eye patch candy.' - Will & Grace
Ana: I heard it... on the street.
LaTrelle: You eat with that mouth?
LaVonda: Mostly!
- Sordid Lives
Peter: Walked into bdubs kokomo... walked out. Drinking at chilis. This town rocks.
David: Man, there's nothing quite like Night Before Thanksgiving Bar Night With All The Local Rednecks In Your Hometown. Ah, I've missed it.
This bumper... was pulled off... by the bus... OF SELENAS! - Selena
and it's ALL coming BACK to me nowwwwwwwwwwww... - Celine Dion
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
my whiskey cocktail is half-full... and it's not my first of the night.
there is a dead buck in the bed of the truck in the garage in my house. surprisingly that is not the lyrics to some backwoods redneck summer campfire song, it's just the reality of life chez mitchell.
if one were to take this as a slice of life of the mitchell family, one would actually believe that things were wonderful... because tonight? they were... they are.
watching scrubs rerun with peter right now. love it.
I built my own fire tonight, it's still smoldering in a sexy-hot-chocolate-ski-lodge-naked-under-a-blanket kind of way. for the record, no one here is presently naked.
I have no responsibilities for a full 24 hours aside from doing my laundry and creating a kick-ass thanksgiving feast-a-palooza. this year we are experimenting with turkey brining... don't know what that is? me neither... but it sounds promising. it too is relaxing in the garage with the dead deer. we here in the midwest are, after all, equal-opportunity carnivores.
good things:
frank caliendo
fender guitars
digital cameras
my dog, Mags
real fireplaces
feather beds
embarassing photo ops
massages - I could really use one
being home... in every sense of the word
not caring that I haven't slept... for days
waking up with people I love, regardless
knowing that I'm about to sleep... soundly (thank you, crown royal)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
autumn clouds
where is this angst coming from? this is not like me.
I'm worn down, worn out, and beginning to feel the november stress accumulate in my veins like a stored drug that I've grown to tolerate in high doses.
Please let tomorrow see the clouds lift and something sparkle in these blustery days.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
my friend: i was like "i can't sleep." and he said "me neither."
so then i asked "well, want to do it and see if we pass out afterwards??"
hmmm. perhaps a new trick against the perennial insomnia that plagues my nights? oh I love it.
The Mouth of Hell
That having been said, however...
Today was the Colts/Chiefs game, a landmark event that brings friends into town and usually heralds large dinner parties and or bar crawls. This was not today's agenda, however, as I not only didn't see any of my Chiefs fan visitors but quite frankly didn't see the any of the game itself.
What was I doing, one might wonder, on this terrific Sunday afternoon?
Sleeping. Nursing off 2007 Hangover #3. I got sick. I drank milk. I clutched my temples and cursed vodka and martinis. I groaned aloud. I petered around my apartment after my 3 hour nap at a decidedly slow pace and thought about cleaning... but didn't. I brushed my teeth but decided showering required too much stamina. Smelly barwear was thrown into a heap in the corner and there it remains, marinating in the aura of last night's extravagance and bad decisions... like bringing everyone home with me and drinking more. Not smart, Allison.
At this point I'm just praying to regain strength and motivation before work tomorrow.
It was a great Saturday night, though. A great Saturday night.
*Side Note: Each hangover has involved a certain Ms. Edina. Coincidence? I think not.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
To-Go List
between homes. between jobs. between friends. between cities.
This is not to say I'm transient in the sense of skipping across relationships and locations like a stone skimming over water, no... Merely that I quite honestly live behind the steering wheel of my automobile, am rarely home for any sincere length of time, and I adore the chase and change of life on the move.
Am compiling a list of destinations for the upcoming months, an ever-growing agenda of friends to visit, events to attend, places to wander. I find myself promising excursions and promptly blending dates into a mental slushie, but nonetheless look forward to road trips, airlines, and the joy of sleeping on sofas and air mattresses.
Early Spring shall hopefully find me...
Easily grasped distances, mostly Midwest/East Coast. Am feeling the flutter of giddiness at the thought... because it has been such a beautiful autumn, travel-wise. I long for more.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
what dreams may come
yes, I said it. I'm happy aka content aka You Wish You Were Me. It's real. It's out there. It exists and for this one (probably quite brief and transient) moment I am actually happy.
really happy.
H-A-P-P-Y for those of you who know me if even slightly well enough to understand.
for justifiable reasons [known to a confidential few, a very slight few],I'm overflowing with the ripple effect love... I love you, I love you, I love you.
I ask only for this blissful glimpse, this delight... this is what they were talking about...
this is it, this is really it. Please give me strength and fortitude of character to follow this path. It must be true.
It must be.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Marathons, Monuments, and Mattresses: Indy takes on D.C.
While I am still attempting to catch up on sleep and desperately hoping that I can soon recover my voice, I am afloat on the high of a weekend of nothing but good things. Yep, take that as a Martha Stewart reference... because it was.
Also, let it be noted that this weekend (Sunday, specifically) was witness to the birth of a new WLU slogan... the brilliance, genius, and true inspiration of one Ms. Julie Arnold:
Expect tshirts, billboards, drunken text messages, a few handmade sharpie tattoos, and perhaps even the revival of the political button... we're definitely taking this one global.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Homecomingpalooza... the aftermath
2. several new bruises. origin unknown.
3. I wanna borrow that top.
4. my feet still ache from imitating a marathon runner in stiletto heels on Saturday night in downtown Bloomington... and shortening my skirt to barely-ass-grazing-length to extend leg stride... which is a fantastic way to meet middle-aged, pleated-Dockers-wearing, stumbling-down-drunk, I-think-I'm-still-as-sexually-viable-as-I-was-in-college, I'll-hit-on-you-by-mentioning-that-my-daughter-is-your-age-too male alumni... oh and one older gent actually asked for a ride to Indy. Classy, sir. If I might suggest next time you omit the detail that your wife doesn't know where you went for the weekend. It doesn't arouse much sympathy and certainly weakens your potential hook-up factor. Just saying.
5. have taken to wearing my glasses as part of general protest against putting effort into my appearance. now remember why I don't like wearing glasses: they get so damn dirty, you know... constantly. who has time for that? plus I miss sunglasses. Sayonara, Team Dorothy Parker.
6. laundry.
7. continued disgust at all things involving, featuring, approaching or concerning Nancy Grace.
8. NPR pledge drive week means I'm listening to XM.
9. new addition to house furnishings now increases my seating capacity from 6 to 15. This is good news as the long-awaited Boob-Tube-a-Palooza is now officially on the horizon. Start preparing costumes.
10. purchase of the week: $6 hardcover Cole Porter songbook. So in love, indeed.
11. 'What has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap? Bob Kelso.' [Scrubs is the greatest thing to hit the insomniac television lineup in years.]
13. Washington D.C. in t-minus 3 days.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
journey's end
Like my grandfather's best man at his wedding famously reminded everyone (not at the wedding but on multiple other occasions), "Remember, it's just a group of undergrads playing a game in the grass on a Saturday afternoon."
Lake Michigan is beautiful, tranquil, and awash with some of the most soothing landscapes imaginable. Mostly I just wanted to sit alone and read Anne Morrow Lindbergh and chew on a pencil and take long, contemplative walks along the beach.
So, you know, I went to the Big House for my dose of serenity and inner calm.
I have just woken up from a solid 5 hour nap, am still at home, and am stuck in that post-nap lethargic limbo of not feeling awake but hating myself for desiring more sleep... I guess I had a lot to catch up on from these past several weeks.
Oh, and I really wish we had some apple butter. That would be great.
Spent the entirety of the road trip listening to Tony Dungee read his memoir. Several thoughts:
1. His voice is absolute magic... it is velvety and calm and well-articulated and always filled with that mild thunder of conviction and strength. I wish I could install a permanent version to read to me nightly as I struggle to sleep. I would listen to him read the phone book, microwave oven manuals, advanced physics formulas, binary code, whatever... and it would be beautiful.
2. I am becoming rather well versed in football names, figures, plays, and team locations. This is a good start and has given me a miniature sense of hope that I may one day become one of those really cool girls who isn't such a complete sports-trivia dumbass.
3. Everything in his life, as detailed in the book, manages to become glory and education made manifest. Something to work on.
4. Becoming extraordinary in Coach Dungee's mind is simply being the best at what is ordinary. A simple philosophy and perhaps the best new approach for one overly-analytical-o'erarching-dreamer-lost-soul-wanderer such as myself. Like we always learned in high school - 'keep it simple, stupid.' Also something to work on.
Friday, October 12, 2007
1. Lafayette - car finally spiffed up and soon to be liberated from lifelong muteness and given his first horn. woot woot.
2. Shopping with Diana... including the "Sportsman's Warehouse," a testosterone mecca with the apparent motto of "You either shoot it, stuff it, or marry it." Shudder.
3. "Cirque Dream" at Clowes Hall with Diana, etc. Basically it's a cirque show with a jungle theme... or as I like to think of it, contortionist jungle teletubbies on crack. I had an anxiety attack, Diana was beside herself with delight. Fucking serious, I feel like someone beat me with a steel pipe (physically and emotionally). damn shit damn damn damn damn.
4. one gloriously large and strong Old Fashioned... I do love coming home to the Mitchell liquor cabinet... crown royal as far as the eye can see... and I so desperately (desperately) needed a drink.
5. no sleep for the past few nights + uber-strong cocktail = sleep of the innocent tonight. is going to be magnificent.
6. drive to michigan tomorrow. when I feel actually like myself (free of residual stress and kentucky bourbon) and definitely going to tally up the number of hours/miles spent in a car during these 4 days... because shit, it's a lot.
7. call me tomorrow.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
town crier
I was admiring the stars from my backyard and drinking in the fresh breezes of autumn, now (it seems) at last upon us... it is so peaceful here, so green and spacious, and the country air is sweet with the promise of harvest and drifting leaves... my absolute favorite time of year. It's nice to be able to sit alone and appreciate the serenity of the blue-green darkness, bask in the 'silence' of the nocturnal creatures, "so loud, so loud the million cricket's choir..."
my thoughts are compressing with recent events, the speed with which life can change... for better or worse. these next few months look to be laden with heaviness, speckled with trials... we have seen and survived worse, I know. I know. And this too shall pass.
But for now perhaps it is easier to sit in the starlight and just be... the acceptance will come, it will come, it will come... "if I fall, let it be from a high place..."
Monday, October 08, 2007
Except this feeling is so fragile, so sensitive... a house of cards (to switch metaphors) leveled by the slightest touch. Such is my life that I know to expect not only the unexpected but also the bitch-slap of reality and daily trifles.
To quote Elise, "I've hit a plateau." I could perhaps be headed toward greater heights, merely settling for a moment to enjoy the view, or I could be seated atop what is to become the peak of the mountain, about to slip, tumble, or descend with caution, who knows?
I suppose this is just classic anxiety kicking in or maybe some deeply-ingrained WASP sense of guilt for having been so happy and blessed of late... my friends are incomparably wonderful, my family has even reached some sort of stasis, my days have been filled with events and memories and I feel loved and appreciated...
So what could possibly be coming around the corner to tear it down? Is it completely terrible that I'm so terrified? I'm just not accustomed to long spans of general happiness... or really any span of general bliss... the past decade of my life has been certainly positive in many ways but oh so incredibly dark, "so dark, so dark and deep... the secrets that you keep..." [apologies for the Les Mis. reference]
It's just that... my life is a lovely and precious thing at the moment, certainly far from 'perfect' or 'ideal' or 'well-planned' but remarkable in the way everything is seeming to appear... even the weather is better and brighter than it has been in years... aside from the fact that it's mid-October and the record-shattering heat is a most alarming environmental issue... but it's sunlit and embracingly warm. One of my neighbors* (one I actually don't know and don't think I've ever seen in my life before) decided to take a little siesta in a chaise lounge outdoors this afternoon... wearing nothing more than a speedo!! SPEEDO! As in man bikini!
*For the record, he was at least quite attractive... and kudos to a fellow uninhibited spirit... but this is certainly uncharacteristic of Indiana autumn behavior. IE: Von Maur has already transformed itself into Santa-Snowflake-Holly-Jolly-Christmas-Land and there are roadside stands selling pumpkins.
Anyway, perhaps this is just life as it should be always?
From Blossoms
this brown paper bag of peaches
we bought from the boy
at the bend in the road where we turned toward
signs painted Peaches.
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.
O, to take what we love inside,
to carry within us an orchard, to eat
not only the skin, but the shade,
not only the sugar, but the days, to hold
the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into
the round jubilance of peach.
There are days we live
as if death were nowhere
in the background; from joy
to joy to joy, from wing to wing,
from blossom to blossom to
impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.
- Li-Young Lee
Saturday, October 06, 2007
la chouffe
2. Wedding-stravaganza Saturday has begun and I have T-minus 46 minutes to pull myself together, pack anything I might need for tonight, the wedding, a bar, a sleepover, work at 7 am tomorrow (am quite delighted, really), and the Colts game afterwards. Sometimes I wonder why I pay rent at all and don't just start living out of my car.
3. It is 90 degrees outside... and it's mid-October. But global warming is still a conspiracy theory concocted by a set of crazy left-wing fundamentalists, right?
4. I just had the greatest shower imaginable... hurrah for rinsing all that bar-scum down the drain and scrubbing off last night's slutty leftover makeup... sweet blessed relief.
5. No sleep last night and no sleep tonight pretty much guarantee a forecast of Mitch the Bitch appearing in full glory tomorrow. Those damn Colts better win.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Example, excerpt from this morning's email of last night's Retro Rewind:
Had a blast with Wes at the V... natch. We got there around 10:40 or so and the dance floor was... empty. Except for us (duh). Hilarious - a whole lotta awkward kids hanging around the perimeter waiting for somebody else to be ballsy enough to start the party. Pshhhh. Wes and Patsy promptly took full advantage of our time in the spotlight. You would have loved it - it was like the luau all over again (only this time instead of a table full of SMUMs and SMUBS - that's right, Smug Married Undesirable BITCHES - it was just a bunch of 22 yr olds hovering around without purpose). LOVE IT. Now that I'm thinking about it... perhaps we should just change it to SMUB... really, the 'B' could stand for either BITCHES or BASTARDS quite interchangeably. I think I'm on to something here. Unisex insult. Go Team AbFab! - P
I must admit, some of our most brilliant life wisdom has resulted:
Wouldn't it be nice if it worked in a way that we could just call up
someone and say "Hi, I'm really interested in you" in both a "I find
you interesting and intelligent" and "i really want to get into your
pants" kind of way. "Would you like to go out and have interesting
conversation and top off the night by sleeping (this may or may not
mean sex) with me?" Things would be so easy.....if only. - E
This brings up a point I have been discussing with Julie of late. Jules was saying how she wished somehow the world could reinstate the Victorian practice of 'stating one's intentions.' As in announcing that one would like to begin courting... for the record, I love that word, "courting." Puts such a refreshingly elegant spin on what we now commonly refer to as "hooking up" or (ugh) "hanging out." No messy decoding of body language or online profiles or ambiguous remarks, just a good solid "I LIKE YOU, LET'S GO OUT" kind of thing.
This is in keeping with our motto or rather description of self, romantically speaking: "forward but old-fashioned." As in I have no hesitation about initiating romantic exchanges of any level - communication, invite, asking for phone numbers, seduction scenes, what have you... but despite my bit of Gloria Steinem sparkle, I often wish someone else would do the job for me. Sometimes it can be the most wonderful thing to actually be pursued and wanted without all the effort, tu sais?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Parallel Lives of Patsy and Edina
Most recent email excerpt from the fabulous Elise Shrock:
score for the AbFabs.
Pats and Eddie: 2 Skinny fake bitches of the world: -2
The scores are looking good, as we are ahead.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
1 2 3 4 FIRST DOWN
This is the life I lead, one in limbo between my multitude of obligations and my desires. I feel like a moth drawn to the flame of family and was so gratified by the weekend and its exchanges, so purely joyful for the sake of it, basking in the glory of high-spirited games and get-togethers, the ambrosia of love that is created in such a closely connected group, my original set...
Many of us had not been together since the memorial service (and Hawaii before that), and therefore to see everyone at the game on such a miraculously beautiful afternoon was a very sweet privilege... you can see the change, certainly, but mostly it is a sensed loss, an unspoken collective missing of someone as everyone settles around this newly diminished family structure. I was so glad we made it to that end of the campus at last. Such wonderful family.
And today itself was the occasion for not one but THREE best friend high-fives. THAT is progress.
In theory I was an existentialist, a creator of meaning and value, but in reality of course I was a seeker. I couldn't help trying to read the world like a book of signs: the cadet, the receding lights of the train, the American women, the beaming face of the man with the umbrella and now the circus posters. Who would catch me as I somersaulted through space?
- Robert Hellenga, The Sixteen Pleasures
Sunday, September 30, 2007
my thoughts, in three parts
I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man rather than with the man himself, and then I have hung on to the relationship for a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times in romance I have been a victim of my own optimism. (285)
"Everyone gets like this, at the beginning of love. Wanting too much happiness, too much pleasure, until you make yourself sick. Even to Wayan this happens at beginning of love story. Lose balance."
"I'm embarrassed," I say.
"Don't," she said. Then she added in perfect English (and perfect Balinese logic), "To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life." (298)
...and I wonder if I am capable of being somebody's sun, somebody's everything. Am I centered enough now to be the center of somebody else's life? (311)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
moment of truth
Me: "Yeah... but doesn't that explain our entire relationship in a nutshell?"
*religious retreat
Friday, September 28, 2007
Deep Thoughts by Elise Shrock
Um. It is 6:34 a.m. I am at work, and it is way to early to stomach those dresses. I just happened to take a gander through these pics during a music break and let me just say: My hawaiian dress is STILL sealed in the bag that I put it in the next morning at Allison's house. I know that is a gross thing to admit but I'm so very, very, scared of going near it for fear of the White Castle stench creeping out. My mom and I decided that we should probably burn it. Seriously, it's the only way to take care of the problem and way more fun than just throwing it away. It's kind of like at church camp when they tell you to write your sins on a paper and then throw them in the fire to give them up. Well, those dresses are the paper and White Castle was the sin.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Music Mill
1. Met Josh Kelley. He's lovely. And one of very few people I can wholehearted say looks delicious in ripped/faded jeans.
2. Did not wake up in any random musician dressing rooms or ask for autographs in inappropriate anatomical areas. Makes for a nice change.
3. 2 people I absolutely adore were also present... and knew each other (crazy!)... and were as lovely and beautiful as always. (small small world this is)
4. Pat McGee is still so cute I could eat him with a spoon. Yes, Jen Kraus, he's still adorable.
5. Lauren's drunk dancing is, like... so hot right now. Thank god we're all so fantastically uninhibited and I can count on my friends to be not only non-judgmental but also equally outgoing/outrageous/fearless.
6. For the first time in my entire life, I actually gave out a phone number at a concert... that belongs to MY FATHER. That's right... I was totally pulling a PR job on my dad as a surgeon and gave his office info to this fantastic guy we met with a wrist injury.... but really, isn't is a compliment that he asked me for it? I can't really be so terrible if people are (soberly) considering my professional recommendation of my pops as a valid and worthwhile thing, right??
Mmmmm... I love us.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Old Roses
White roses, tiny and old, flare among thorns
by the barn door.
For a hundred years
under the June elm, under the gaze
of seven generations,
they lived briefly
like this, in the month of roses,
by the fields
stout with corn, or with clover and timothy
making thick hay,
grown over, now,
with milkweed, sumac, paintbrush.
roses survive
winter drifts, the melt in April, August
and men and women
who sniffed roses in spring and called them pretty
as we call them now,
walking beside the barn
on a day that perishes.
- Donald Hall
Monday, September 24, 2007
1967 Envy

Watched Belle de Jour today with the incomparable Catherine Deneuve. A very noir film - a twist of sophisticate in a sexually bizarre cocktail of fantasy and bedroom eyes a la 1967.
God do I want her hair.
Had just watched the Colts game by myself (and ironed, incidentally) and was feeling a bit too Midwestern for my own good. Solution? Vintage French cinema.
Was admittedly shaken by the fantasy rape sequences - the film introduces Catherine's character in a scene where she is (turns out) imagining her own humiliation and gang rape in the Parisian woods. Small wonder the film was seen as 'controversial' and shelved for 35 years.
Fascinating, though, isn't it? 40 years later and the piece still holds power, even for someone like me who spent her entire childhood dismissing shock from her emotional arsenal of reactions... Oooohhh and she looks so ravishingly stunning in every scene, even when she has sunk into her most desperate moments and her hair is bed-russled and heaped atop her miserable head. She wins my Style Icon of the Month and henceforth I shall attempt some semblance of her poise and elegance.
If only someone would send me the Yves Saint-Laurent wardrobe she wore.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
weekend update
2. Friday: psycho neurotic cleaning fest. highlights including hand-washing of each and every goddamn piece of cookery/flatwear/drinking vessel in the house and dropping the cutting board on my foot (hair in curlers at the time). red wine consumed. in subsequent effort to compensate, overdress and primp a la Miss America. Continue with Julie to Rathskellar, run into friends, drink Big Gulp size pilsner, admire general terror of surrounding urban male population (read: no one talked to us... no one). Proceed to MacNiven's and kick off Cranberry/Vodka Fest 2K7. Run into friends. Consume multiple cocktails. Befriend strangers, some worthy, some not so. Divulge phone numbers. Joined by friends later in the evening, by which time I am most deliciously and ridiculously inebriated. (Dishwashing fiasco long forgotten). Make several embarrassing comments to be later retold to me the next day by Julie. Eventually walk home with Julie. Somehow set off smoke alarm whilst attempting drunk popcorn snack. [smoke alarm now resting dormant on kitchen table]. Crash in bed.
3. Saturday: wake up next to Julie with smashing hangover. Send texts while Julie snoozes, mostly to complain of hangover.
- Classic response from Elise 1: "Changing for a wedding we are obviously late for in a truck stop somewhere along a highway in ohio while mom's menopause is at its peak! And missing you!"
- Classic response to response from Elise 2: [photo included of Elise in car spritzing perfume] "French shower... check. Car shave... check. Trying to make this mess of last night's bar hair look acceptable... damn near impossible."
Spend entire mid-day recovering on couch. By 4 pm finally manage to shower and refresh before running errands. Buy more groceries at Target than my poor 'rexic kitchen has ever seen. Also enthusiastically replenish laundry detergent supply and cleaning products. Hurrah for Downy April Fresh. Home for evening despite invites to several bar soirees (most of which are discovered far late into the night).
4. Sunday: Colts game. [Sorry 'boutcha Houston]. Had planned on group spectator event yet lacked motivation to track anyone down or leave the flat. Sorry everyone. Instead, simultaneously cheer at television while ironing dress shirts and finishing laundry. Manage to escape incident burn-free despite aggravating fumble/interceptions which inevitably occurred during crucial ironing-of-the-collar moments. Begin Phase One of seasonal wardrobe switch by storing most useless summer pieces and unveiling autumn sweaters. Mmmmmm... and Clean Sheet Day.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Alas, I am not, although I hope that she does feel better soon.
One of the multitude of discoveries made by googling oneself. Turns out my name is far short of 'unique' but a few notches above 'run-of-the-mill.' nonetheless, there are me's out there scampering all over this wide planet whilst waving my own familiar moniker as if it were solely theirs.
Little do they know, those other Allison Mitchells, that while they're coaching their parenting seminars and raising organic livestock and managing the world's finance, somewhere in the heart of the nation is someone like me.
p.s. I love this song:
Silence everyday for two weeks
and I know you cry when you think I’m asleep.
You’re so distant, can’t you turn to me?
Am I different?
How should I be?
I love to get a little bit crazy maybe.
I love to get a little bit dirty. Sue me.
Why is it that everytime I’m near you, you’re gonna desert me?
Speak up if you’ve got something to say.
If not I’ll just act as if we’re okay.
I don’t think that we should waste one more night.
Let’s solve this so I can turn down the lights.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Patsy and Edina, Labor Day 2007

"SMUM" - smug married undesirable man
"SMUF" - smug married undesirable father
"run-did" - running candid (photo)
Patsy: "Chris is, like, the greatest father ever."
Edina: "Yeah."
Patsy: "And he's, like.... ripped."
Edina: "Yeah... he's a dilf."
Patsy: "Yeah."
Edina: "And I'm about to apply deodorant right in front of him. That's right you big dilfster, come and get it!"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I love the words menagerie, treat, cavalcade, tricked.
I choose quality over quantity in nearly every aspect of my life.
I hate Nickelback.
If you can't stand the madness, get out of my life.
Keep your laws off my body, and your religion out of my government and chances are we will get along fine.
I hate people that think they are famous/fabulous. You better be able to back that up. Don't get invited to VIP events? Not fabulous. Picture not in a magazine? Not famous. STOP ACTING LIKE IT.
If you want to be my friend, you can't wear sunglasses at night/in bars/clubs/etc.
This world needs more people of our caliber, Kiegs. Love you.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My car was broken into. While they did not steal anything of major importance (you know, the car itself), the burglars did make off with the entirety of my cd collection, my XM radio set (damnit!!!), my cell phone charger cord, and one travel size bottle of CVS brand lemon hand sanitizer. Yes, I am aware of how random that sounds. Bastards.
Also, my neighbors upstairs are having a problem with their AC unit, which is leaking through the ceiling and dripping onto my stairway/banister. Drip. Drip. Drip. And apparently there is nothing maintenance can do with this heat, claiming it is just one of those things everyone is dealing with. Mmmmhmm. Sure. Drip. Drip. I have soaked through 2 towels already in the past 2 hours. Drip. Drip.
Chalk all of this up to the fact that my car, Dorian (after Dorian Gray), is without doubt the victim and receipient of all of my bad karma.
Yet another reason why I do not, in general, enjoy birthdays.
Oh, and this is how I really feel:
Ty: "Did you just say 'shit'?"
LaTrelle: "I did. I did! And I said 'damn' today too. And 'hell.' And 'bitch.' And 'dookie.' And you know what? I feel like sayin' more. Damn! Hell! Bitch! Shit! Dookie! DAMN! HELL! BITCH! SHIT! TITTYYYYYYYYYY!"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Awesomely Bad
I was scheduled until one o'clock and had been planning my day around the marvelous nap that would occur at approx 1:42 when I got home. Then I look at the day's schedule and I've somehow been scheduled until 5... even though nobody bothered to a) get my permission to change my hours or b) tell me. Cool, I'm broke anyway, no big deal.
Did I mention that I hand-scrubbed the goddamn floor?
Ok, so we've had nothing but torrential downpours ever since last night. Our mall (the oh-so-classy Castleton Square mall) is under construction and apparently the roof has just been resealed above our store. Which has been super, really. For a week or so we were living under a giant clear plastic tent to protect us from falling 'debris' during the process. Which is not only asthetically pleasing and a great sales perk but also super-reassuring.
No worries, everything is finally finished - so we were told - and some random member of the construction crew stopped by early in the day to make sure that we weren't having any leak issues with the storms. Which I thought was kindof nice, considering.
1:30 pm arrives. My boss and the head boss lady have both skedaddled for some lunch and I am hanging out near the entrance of the store doing my usual Miss America impression ("Good afternoon, ladies! How are you?!? Let me know if you need anything today blah blah blah vomit vomit vomit") when suddenly directly above a giant table of jeans the rain starts to stream in from above in a small but forceful little stream.
I go into my best Action Sally mode and start whisking all of those god-forsaken pairs of denim and khaki jackets onto a nearby counter. You really should have seen it, I was, like, awesome about it. We're talking Speedy Mc-Lightening-bolt. Except within approx. 38 seconds of the initial rain intrusion the goddamn ceiling LITERALLY opens up with a hole a foot wide and suddenly I'm standing in the middle of Niagra Fucking Falls.
So the whole lot of us starts running around shouting orders and dragging racks of clothes away from the blast site and making frantic phone calls to mall maintenance, our bosses (still missing and not answering their cell phones), our bosses' bosses, Jesus, Superman, Hogwarts, and the entire X-Men brigade. We kick out all of our customers, which admittedly was fucking brilliant and wickedly satisfying and shut down the store. Everything was flooded and we basically looked like the refugees you see canoing down Main Street in their drowned towns after hurricanes and tornadoes and whatever.
We finally re-opened 4 hours later, post clean-up and damage control. Oh AND our entire bathroom also broke AND (it really does get better!) exploded unthinkable sewer-spit all over the corner of our stockroom.
It was really a splendid day at the ATL.
Just wanted to brag in case any of you were thinking about bitching about going back to work today or whatever.
I win.
And it took me an entire hour to drive home when it usually takes 25 min or less. So I had that going for me, which was nice.
haha. I know. Don't even fucking say it... "Somebody's got a case of the Mondays!"
Nuggets of Brilliance
1. delivered to me by a man of less than 4 feet: "Do you have any room on your lap?"
2. Chona: "Hey Ben, you want some of this... [dramatic pause]... steak sauce?"
In the spirit of Letterman, in no particular order
2. I am not Paula Abdul.
3. Lying awake having just realized that I was filmed during my latest boogey session at this weekend's wedding reception... dear god it is not going to be flattering, I promise you.
4. interesting observation noted during today's post-wedding brunch (aka Group Hangover Meal #1): "You know, everyone was dancing with their drinks in hand last night. I mean usually you put your drink on the table or something and go back and forth from the dance floor... but everybody was dancing with alcohol in their hands last night! I have never seen that in my life!"
5. things get super exciting when you are double-fisting bottles of beer because they have threatened last call and you're working your "Ice Ice Baby" magic with the mother-of-the-bride.
6. I am going straight to hell and cannot believe I have not yet been wrathfully smited. (smited? spelling?) I am not the person to sit next to during a wedding if you are looking for reverence, appropriateness, or romantic/emotional Hallmark moments.
7. Home Shopping Network. Jewelry special: rings.
8. Drove all the way home with the wedding gift still in the trunk of my car. damnit.
9. Going back to topics #1-3, I think I may have recreated The Carlton Dance last night... and by that I mean drunkenly attempted Fresh Prince tribute choreography that probably most closely resembled an epileptic fit. Sweet Lord please do not let that be what the videographer captured.
10. went home to celebrate mama's birthday, Mitchell Mexican Fiesta style, complete with pinata and mariachi singers. Desperately wanted to take pinata into the backyard and blow it up with several rounds of ammunition, execution style... because that's just the Mitchell way. why be satisfied with a blindfold and a baseball bat??
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Death at a Funeral
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Oh grasses of sleep, bitterly sweet grasses of oblivion...
I fear what will become of me should old age grasp me in its tethers. Frailty, loneliness, and helpless dependence upon others have never been appealing, not now and least of all in the potential twilight of my life. I see how the elderly are regarded, neglected, and scorned... what chance have we - the eager young generations stomping in our stalls - of changing anything by the time we hit the social security years?
The ripple effect, I remind myself... small acts of kindness and the ability to gradually cause hope and change.
I disappoint myself with my lack of service these past few months. There is so much to be done, so much I could do. Even if in tiny increments.
I have never liked birthdays. Mine quickly approaches and perhaps is the reason for this uprising wave of anxiety. It seems as though birthdays are inevitably a disappointment... the one day dedicated supposedly to the glorification of nothing less than one's own existence is bound to fall short of expectation. I find I prefer smaller celebrations, intimate circles to surround and hold each other dearly in a shared and cherished faith in one another, a love made sacred by virtue of mistakes and forgivenesses and the acknowledgment of truth and human ineptitude. We are all failures, ultimately, in some form or another, and therefore beautifully united.
Which reminds me, I have a letter to mail.
My soul is dark - Oh! quickly string
The harp I yet can brook to hear,
And let thy gentle fingers fling
Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear.
If in this heart a hope be dear,
That sound shall charm it forth again:
If in these eyes there lurk a tear,
'Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.
But bid the strain be wild and deep,
Nor let thy notes of joy be first:
I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,
Or else this heavy heart will burst,
for it hath been by sorrow nursed,
And ached in sleepless silence long;
And now 'tis doomed to know the worst,
And break at once - or yield to song.
Lord Byron
worth 1000 words?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
page 723
1. read Harry Potter, one sitting, as intended. wasn't asleep anyway so figured, 'why the hell not?' and started it at one in the morning. finished by 7 and off to work by 8.
2. at work by 8.
3. cried while reading Harry Potter... a lot.
4. work
5. eye doctor appointment in Kokomo for fresh contacts and a new best friend... we talked for an hour and 15 minutes... it's hot outside... we do that.
6. approved for speeding ticket deferral program. massive relief.
7. continued reign in the Land of Awesome.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
the kind of day you wish you could splice and put on some sort of glass mircroscope plate and look at in the future as if to say, yeah... that's how it was... and it was great.
home and content and feeling accomplished and happy and proud to be myself and giddy with the knowledge of unconditional love and beyond that the joy of being so damn happy with people like my brother and my friends... and yes, I spent over 4 hours in the kitchen and wore an apron and heels and created a beautiful evening event and dinner to be reckoned with... and it was good.
a good day.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Jesus: Ten Million, Satan: Two

1. the lake is practically bath-water. mmmm. delicious.
Friday, August 03, 2007
to-MAY-to, to-MAH-to
So here I am and my mind is locked upon one specific subject: tomatoes.... several of which took starring roles in what was truly a lovely evening meal. For the record, tomatoes are probably my favorite local summer harvest. Vivid scarlet clusters explode from every novice gardener's plot for the entirety of our few delicious months of midwestern summer splendor. And damnit they make for real good eatin'... and fryin', especially the green ones.
Confession: I love anything I can salt, just can't help myself. Especially grapefruit. Mmmm. Why the hell you would put sugar on such a magnificent product, I simply cannot say. I'm sure my arteries are as stiff as steel piping. And I hate ketchup. It's nasty, goopy, and proven to contain rats and rodents and flies and spiders. Let's face it, the ketchup factory is where sub-par tomatoes go to die. Ewww and what could be more disgusting than people who use it as gravy-substitute to drown the likes of peas and cooked carrots? Disgusting. Grow up and just hold your nose like civilized people.
Regardless, have been pondering the old debate over the classificaion of tomatoes as fruit or vegatable. In terms of straight-up-now-tell-me* scientific fact, they are the ripened ovaries of a tomato plant and therefore a fruit. However, because they are used as a sauce base and usually spiced and salted, this is a difficult concept for the likes of elementary school children grasping the why's and wherefore's of life, the one-fish-two-fish-red-fish-blue-fish curriculum that arranges itself in a neat grid of time tables and shoeboxes and stone soup and sunflower seedlings growing in styrofoam cups. And paper mache - that was always the start of an awesome project.
At any rate, I have concluded that tomatoes are the drag queens of the fruit world. And that is precisely why I love them the most.
*Paula Abdul reference... because that was my first cd ever. And she's awesome. Especially in that terrific music video where she dances with a cartoon cat. (opposites attract?) That was totally slammin', like, seriously.
night thoughts
a sleepless night has avenged itself upon me yet again. so interesting this wave of elusive unconsciousness wreathed in dreams that we willingly succumb to so meekly each night... and how we can long for it when time, circumstance, fear, or emotion prevents us from falling into the beguiling snares of Queen Mab.
alas, such is the nature of things.
Nothing is Lost
Lie all our memories, lie all the notes
Of all the music we have ever heard
And all the phrases those we loved have spoken,
Sorrows and losses time has since consoled,
Family jokes, out-moded anecdotes
Each sentimental souvenir and token
Everything seen, experienced, each word
Addressed to us in infancy, before
Before we could even know or understand
The implications of our wonderland.
There they all are, the legendary lies
The birthday treats, the sights, the sounds, the tears
Forgotten debris of forgotten years
Waiting to be recalled, waiting to rise
Before our world dissolves before our eyes
Waiting for some small intimate reminder,
A word, a tune, a known familiar scent
An echo from the past when, innocent
We looked upon the present with delight
And doubted not the future would be kinder
And never knew the loneliness of night.
- Noel Coward
Thursday, August 02, 2007
riding the wave of contentment that only the liberation of an evening with a dear friend can provide. so good just to... talk. (thanks, reef). reminds me of just how much work there is to do, for I have promises to keep...
and miles to go before I sleep...
and miles to go before I sleep...
Seeker of Truth
follow no path
all paths lead where
truth is here
e e cummings
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Barack Obama touched my shirt...

... and skirt.
I may not have been the person wearing them, but remain starstruck nonetheless.
**This incident is further proof of the excellence that is Elise Shrock. Reason #5589 why she is awesome:
Me: [5 min girly ranting/screeching]
Elise: "Barack touched your shirt."
Me: [further delight at high decibel level]
Elise: "And your skirt."
Me: "What?? Oh my god I was hoping you'd say that!"
Elise: "Yeah, I made sure that I brushed up against him so both articles of clothing made contact."
Now that's friendship.*
*Also a great excuse to create a physical moment with the man described as being 'the most handsome man alive in person... Allison, pictures just don't do the man any justice."