Friday, September 28, 2007

Deep Thoughts by Elise Shrock

I have the most fabulous friend ever.

Elise Shrock (Butler) wrote at 6:41am on August 31st, 2007

Um. It is 6:34 a.m. I am at work, and it is way to early to stomach those dresses. I just happened to take a gander through these pics during a music break and let me just say: My hawaiian dress is STILL sealed in the bag that I put it in the next morning at Allison's house. I know that is a gross thing to admit but I'm so very, very, scared of going near it for fear of the White Castle stench creeping out. My mom and I decided that we should probably burn it. Seriously, it's the only way to take care of the problem and way more fun than just throwing it away. It's kind of like at church camp when they tell you to write your sins on a paper and then throw them in the fire to give them up. Well, those dresses are the paper and White Castle was the sin.

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