E: I just had a brilliant idea. I keep getting press releases for Bible Baptist's "PURE LOVE" preachy abstinence teen program this weekend. how awesome would it be to go in true abfab form and act like we thought it was a PURE ROMANCE sex toy party and start demanding vibrators and nipple tassels! Sent at 8:06 AM on Friday May 2
me: oh. my. god
E: or prank call....maybe we'll make drew do it tonight
I have the greatest friends in the world... we have our own particular brand of sexual anarchy, what can I tell you?
1 comment:
This is not a comment, but a follow up to our glorious two hour conversation about everything from clarvoyance to butt seeking parasites...gee, that doesn't really capture the essence or depth of the conversation, but none the less those were highlights! (And to go from tasteless to down right inappropriate...we have way too many gay friends not to make a junior high level joke about butt seeking parasites...I have dated a few myself!)
So, I wanted to tell you excitedly that I am tivo-ing A Scanner Darkly, for us to watch on our next date. It is a Richard Linklater film a la Waking Life and we must partake together. I watched the first 20 minutes and then turned it off so that we can loose our cinimatic virginity together. (Jeez, I am in rare and tasteless form tonight! And I'm fine with that.)
I also tivo-ed Hot Fuzz. I hope its a snorting good time. So when we get together we can really sharpen our razor intellects by sitting in front of my TV for like 6 hours...that's how I got to be so brilliant & humble.)
So, finally (I mean I did just talk to you for two hours, how can I still have so much to say?!?!)again finally, I found myself watching the Bizarre Foods show with the bald guy who finds testicles, udders, intestines and barely dead animal corpses finger licking good...yeah, how is it that I find this somehow more entertaining than porn? And somehow less sad!) I boggle my own mind...I won't even eat real bacon bits! For whatever reason I like to watch him eat the craziest stuff...in fact I am addicted to the food network, ironically the source the origin of the phrase "butt seeking parasite" yes, in a show about food!
Anyway, I hate cooking, love eating, never eat flesh of any kind (on purpose) and can be entertained for hours watching people cook and even more oddly watching them eat. I've heard it said that the food network is porn for fat people! While I am super curvy, thick and proudly gluttonous I don't volunteer for the fat category, but damn how is it that I am endlessly delighted by watching other people eat sh*t that I would never put anywhere near my mouth, strange and mysterious, indeed.
Well, I think this has long ago transcended the comment line and has become a piggy posting to your blog...it's almost parasitic...WAIT FOR IT! I am not seeking your butt for anything other that resting comfortably on my coach, let's make it happen soon. Or I could put my butt on your couch, it matters not where the butts come to rest.
Okay, I must be stopped. I hope this makes you laugh. (your butt off)
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