Just read something about people complaining about love not finding them, or the 'right person' not showing up... the very core of the Snow White 'Some Day My Prince Will Come' complex.
Interesting, because I was just speaking of the same thing with friends... this kind of passive role just... doesn't suit. There is nothing wrong with a little Cinderella fantasy, a desire to be swept off one's feet, whisked away on a white horse, etc. Fine. We all indulge in secret romantic daydreams, ain't not shame in admitting it... but there is a distinct difference between these harmless dreams and actually sitting still, waiting for the fantasy to come to life.
Right on, sir. Enough with the entitlement, let's face the fact that a girl's gotta fight for what she wants. As in take an active stance. Make it happen. Carpe Diem. (Or carpe noctum, as the case may be, wink).
Anyway, obviously had a poem in mind (quelle surprise). Here it is, enjoy:
Any prince to any princess
August is coming
and the goose, I’m afraid,
is getting fat.
There have been
no golden eggs for some months now.
Straw has fallen well below market price
despite my frantic spinning
and the sedge is,
as you rightly point out,
got under your mattress. I apologize
humbly. The chambermaid has, of course,
been sacked. As for the frog footman,
I understand that, during my recent fact-finding tour of the
despite your nightly unavailing efforts,
he remained obstinately
I hope that the Three Wishes granted by the General Assembly
will go some way towards redressing
this unfortunate sequence of events.
The fall in output from the shoe-factory, for example:
no one could have foreseen the work-to-rule
by the National
that the court has been fast asleep
for the last six and a half years.
The matter of the poisoned apple has been taken up
by the Board of Trade: I think I can assure you
the incident will not be
I can quite understand, in the circumstances,
your reluctance to let down
your golden tresses. However
I feel I must point out
that the weather isn’t getting any better
and I already have a nasty chill
from waiting at the base
of the
Some of the courtiers are beginning to talk,
not to mention the humble villagers.
It’s been three weeks now, and not even
a word.
a cold, black wind
howls through our empty palace.
Dead leaves litter the bedchamber;
the mirror on the wall hasn’t said a thing
since you left. I can only ask,
bearing all this in mind,
that you think again,
let down your hair,
- Adrian Henri
I love it:)
Even Brad Pitt has morning breath and perhaps J. Aniston would have a thing or two to say about what a knight he is. In fact, in contradiction to what the philosopher Meyers had to say, I imagine one does not switch from Aniston to Jolie based upon "looks" but upon character, spark and dare I say it, panache! So, while the gym may indeed be a great place for those women to have gone, it would not have cured them of their shallowness, I presume.
Do seize the day, and night, however seize some hot nubile ass as necessary However,(as my mother has observed) one does not see eggs chasing sperm. Any man worth his weight in estrogen will court you and you will be swept off your feet. (even if it is eventually) If he does not see you, pursue you and champion you for the rainbow that you are, then he is merely a speed bump.
Agreed, you will meet no partner in your home burning candlles, however libertate yourself not from romance, liberate yourself not from the demand that your prince show up. (and indeed you are prince worthy) Laying asleep awaiting for his kiss, may not be the best investment of your time, but if he will not slay the dragon for you then fuck him and the steed he rode in on.
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