Tuesday, January 22, 2008


1. surround myself only with those who bring me joy.
2. more involvement in the arts scene.
3. remember to take more vitamins.
4. personal focus, internal: honesty despite the cost(s), sensitivity, forgiveness
5. personal focus, external: punctuality, accountability, return of ambition.
6. more naked time. obviously.
7. resume letter writing.
8. yoga.
9. 'in the now' mentality, carpe diem attitude, joie de vivre, etc.
10. channel energy toward positivity, light, calm, compassion, happiness.
11. happiness.
12. de-clutter physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
13. remembrance of those lost.
14. activism.
15. travel = priority.
16. acceptance of life outside of 'perfect.'
17. independence.
18. take more initiative... in all things.
19. read the rest of all these damn half-finished books.
20. release of unnecessary vanity.
21. reach beyond my comfort level, explore the world of the new, the mysterious, the unknown.
22. willingness to sacrifice... even the good times if necessary.
23. admit fear.
24. vacuum more often.
25. unconditional allegiance and love to those who love me.


Brianinmpls said...

Good list:)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, like looking into a mirror! Only, when you are my reflection, I have much longer hair. (tee hee) I wrote a post today that expresses a similar longing to accomplish more chores. May I say that despite the snooze, the half read books and too much time in clothes you still brighten my days like a light house in a storm and anything that I can do or say or provide to support you in getting this list implemented...I am humbly at your service. Your spirit and expression are a service to my soul and I thank you and I thank you and I thank you.