so it's just one of those afternoons when I feel that my life has completely gone to shit and I'm situated betwixt the scylla/charibdis of despair and the need to burst into screaming hysterics. I've taken an unnecessarily long and water-wasting shower and emerged to find the sun radiating through the closed blinds and have burrowed myself into bed and my laptop in quest of something to smile about. Although embarrassed to admit this, have been most delighted with the myriad of bullshit on Yes, I was on that god-forsaken website that purports all things I despise, mainly celebrity stalking (our tabloidtastic society needs CPR; 200 magazines in the grocery line with glossy stalkerazzi snapshots is not helping). But, to quote something Andre 3000, "Fuck that. I
liked it."
Anyway, as
Little Miss Sunshine is hands-down my favorite film of 2K6-7, let's honor this moment brilliantly provided by the aforementioned, shall we?

"Sound editing is very much like sex. It's usually done alone, late at night, surrounded by electronic gadgets."
– Steve Carell, presenting Best Sound Editing with Little Miss Sunshine costar Greg Kinnear
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